Innovation is at the heart of our Philosophy

ALUMINCO is a company with a strong philosophy, values, tradition and innovation that is written in capital letters in its heritage. Until today, we have developed and consolidated hundreds of aluminium products, many of which are unique in their kind, high value, with many innovations and patents.
Adaptation of new trends and challenges of society is a key pillar of the corporate strategy for the development of ALUMINCO products. That’s why we spend a lot of time and resources listening, observing, studying, testing, and then creating systems that incorporate top performance, excellent design and high energy efficiency.
We offer innovative products and solutions for new constructions and renovations that have been designed to meet specific needs for different climate zones.
Energy saving, costs due to effective insulation
Enhanced and improved parts and components of the systems provide optimum performance
Increased comfort in terms of sound insulation and improved accessibility
Maximum penetration of natural light
Research and Development Emphasizing on Latest Technology
Our evolution is based on the spiritual awakening and development of our people. We invest in new ideas and creativity; we invest in thinking that leads to innovation. For us, the Research and Development department is our heart, where all aluminium systems are designed, developed, tested and certified by International and recognized institutions.
For this purpose, ALUMINCO has invested significant funds and uses new technologies, while amplifies its workforce with established executives, mainly in the field of research and development of new products. The company believes that, in times of crisis, innovation is the only choice. Quality, aesthetics, functionality, not only are dominant elements in each new product, but the main principles on which there is no compromise.
Our Research & Development department is able to provide special design solutions for projects that require special design systems or typologies. The high level of experience of our engineers, as well as the flexibility of production processes thanks to the high vertical integration of our production units, lead to excellent results, especially when it comes to customized solutions.

Advanced Testing and Optimization Centre

As part of the development process, ALUMINCO’s products undergo numerous tests that allow them to meet more stringent international standards.
Among the prestigious certification institutions are the UK Laboratory Intertek, the US UL CLEB Test Laboratory and the accredited German institute IFT ROSENHEIM.
The ability to test new or existing systems in an in-house laboratory allows on the one hand the continuous and systematic control of the performance level of the systems and on the other hand the substantial support to partners for specific project tests.
ALUMINCO’s Proprietary Testing Center is accredited and certified by the German Testing Institute IFT Rosenheim, providing reliable and safe results, based on globally recognized standards.
EN 1026 Air permeability
EN 1027 Water tightness
EN 12211 Resistance to wind load
EN 12046-1 Operating forces